Hillsong’s Darlene Zschech Condemns Christians and aligns herself to Roman Catholicism

It is important for Christians to grasp just how dangerous Darlene Zschech has become in light of her allegiance to Rome and her condemnation of Christians who have spoken out against her worship for the pope. While this article is long, it will be worth your time reading to see how much Zschech has aligned herself to Roman Catholicism by examining her theology.

Pope Francis


Darlene says she can see what “the Holy Spirit is doing around the earth” claiming it “is completely breathtaking.” However, she notes “His role in our experience of following Jesus makes us so very similar.” Notice that this is NOT the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth. While Mrs. Zschech is not zschecking to see if this spirit is the Holy Spirit or another spirit at work, she is elevating this phenomena and “experience” as though it is.

Darlene also states,

“I relate it being a part of a family.. different characteristics, faces, tastes and giftings.. yet a DNA running through our veins that draw us together.”

Once again. No truth. No holiness. Just flights of fancy and delusion at best.


Darlene writes,

“A few months ago a very interesting email turned up in my office inviting me… to actually lead songs of worship with others as the Pope called people to prayer and unity.”

A normal Christian would be concerned over this. They would go to God in prayer and to His Word. They would also be diligent in researching what they are involved in due to Roman Catholicism’s colourful history. They would consider if what they are doing is furthering the proclamation of the gospel or doing damage to the truth or personal witness of Christ.

So how did Darlene approach this sensitive issue?

“Most invites I receive, I am unable to say yes to, but when Mark and I feel a peace about it, I go forward very prayerfully and with great expectation for all God will do.”

So what was her standard for attending? Not the bible. Not the Holy Spirit. It was her feeling “a peace about it.”

How reliable are your feelings?


What’s worse was she fell for the false Ecumenical doctrine of Roman Catholicism. It wasn’t just denominations. It was with other religions such as Roman Catholicism and Judaeism. Different religions are not denominations. This is Darlene Zschech capitalising on people’s ignorance.

“This invite to Rome was about many different denominations coming together to pray for the world we live in. To worship together, to announce the Hope of Jesus to all who will hear.”

This is a false unity. Christianity is united in the central truths on Christ’s teachings. Roman Catholicism and Judaeism do not do this. This is why the song ‘Amazing Grace’ may have been chosen – because it’s a song that leaves the name of Jesus out. So… how can Darlene say she was “there to lift up the name of Jesus?”

Does she not know that the gospel that Christ preached causes controversy and division? Does she not know that when Christ tells us to preach the gospel that the Christian IS judging? How can she claim to lift up Christ but say she “was not there to judge?”


But she DID judge and CONDEMN. Who did she judge and condemn? The pope for preaching heresies and blasphemies?

No. Darlene decided to pass condemnation on Christians who rightly called her out on her compromise to paganism:

“So, I must say I was completely taken by surprise at the harsh and downright mean comments from Christians who criticised my involvement in the event without any understanding, without any knowledge of why or how I got to be there. Or why I even felt it was important to be present.”

According to Darlene, Christians who spoke against her apostasy are “without any understanding” and are “without any knowledge of why or how I got to be there.” This is a classic Brian Houston maneuver to escape any form of accountability and responsibility and to appeal to those who blindly support Mrs. Zschech.

Darlene – you got there because you are false teacher and are not a Christian. You threw out God’s commandments years ago and have followed “after your own heart and your own eyes, which you […] whore[d] after” (Numbers 15:39). You have not remembered or followed Christ’s commandments and have refused to “be holy to your God” (Numbers 15:40). If Jesus was truly your God, you would realise the danger you are in by embracing Roman Catholic ecumenism.

You claim, you were “not there to become a Catholic” but in the past you claim that you “serve the Catholic Church in its vision to present the gospel.” So tell us how you are not Catholic? You just condemned CHRISTIANS over your decision to sing for Jesus the Pope but claim that you were there “to lift up the name of Jesus.” Which Jesus?

You claim you went there “without any hesitation or compromise,” but you were happy to shake your hand with the pope and condemn Christ’s sheep with the other. Compromise? Really?

Did you HEAR how the pope used “grace” to promote Ecumenism and compromise in his message? Your own words condemn you. The Pope has deceived you into believing this is Christianity and that these people worship Jesus:

“A message was preached about the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst, and about the great grace of God which we are all dependent. Pope Francis asked the crowd to declare loudly,’Jesus is Lord’ three times and each time it grew in confidence and intention. Worship was lifted up which had the many thousands of people who attended all singing in free-flowing moments which to be honest, was reminiscent of a time I sang on a John Wimber crusade in New Zealand many years ago.”

You claim, “I have learned over many years, that once Jesus is the centre, anything can happen.” So now you are blaming Jesus for your compromise towards pagan Rome? That is blasphemy, considering the fact that Roman Catholicism teaches that the pope is Jesus veiled in flesh.

It’s people like you that give Christianity a bad name.

Your compromise is as adulterous as the sins of Ancient Israel against God. You are playing the harlot and attributing the name of God to other deities, leading other Christians spiritual prostitution. God’s Word has pronounced this over you like the other apostates in Israel’s rebellious days:

“And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from meand their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,” Isaiah 29:13 (Emphasis ours.)

You write, “So, I must say I was completely taken by surprise at the harsh and downright mean comments from Christians who criticised my involvement in the event without any understanding, without any knowledge of why or how I got to be there. Or why I even felt it was important to be present.”

One can’t help but ask why you’re so quick to judge your critics without any understanding, without any knowledge of why they’re coming to you in concern, or why they felt it was so important to speak out against your actions.


Darlene doesn’t stop there. She appears to treat Roman Catholicism as a legitimate sect of Christianity:

“The truth is that there are parts of every denomination that struggle with historical injustices, and I cannot even fathom some of the abuses and subsequent heartbreak endured due as a result of these actions.”

Here Darlene still insists that Roman Catholicism is a Christian denomination and is downplaying the crimes of pagan Roman Catholicism. The problem is that Zschech does not realise that it was Roman Catholicism that eternally damned and murdered Christians for preaching the saving Gospel of Grace to Jesus.

She then has the audacity to try and convince Christians that Roman Catholicism is seeking after Jesus. She writes,

“But I also know that the word of God says that if people truly seek after God, they will find Him.
( Jeremiah 29:13Amplified Bible (AMP)
13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Zschech is misusing Jeremiah 29:13 and using the Roman Catholic ecumenical doctrine and Roman Catholic mysticism to silence critics and to obscure the horrific history of the Roman Catholic institution. While Jeremiah was exposing Israel of following false prophets (like Darlene Zschech) and whoring after other Gods (eg. Pope Francis), Darlene is using Jeremiah’s words to do the exact opposite. She is standing for ecumenism, suggesting that those she has gathered with are seeking “after God.”

An example of what ecumenism looks like.


“It all comes down to a seeking heart. And a God, who is seeking us, is NOT defined or intimidated by denomination, liturgy, age or preferences… the TRUTH of our hearts toward Him is what He is after.”

Darlene – Jesus himself says the heart is WICKED. And right now you are committing the downplay fallacy (a deceitful argument) and making God Himself to be a liar.

God says that no one seeks after God, no not one (Romans 3). But here you are encouraging Christians to embrace another god in Jesus’ name. You are elevating the human heart and downplaying God’s holiness to justify your sin.

Jesus said,

“But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.” Matthew 15:19 (Emphais ours.)

After watching you maliciously swipe at Christians and defend your position to sing before a false Jesus, you insist that God looks at the “TRUTH of our hearts toward Him.” What truth is in your heart toward him? Hypocrisy and lies are all we are seeing flowing from your heart.

Admit you made a mistake, repent and return to your crucified saviour who died for your wicked heart and come the realisation that without him, you are wicked. You need to step down as a pastor and leader, pick up God’s Word and reform and submit to who you confess is Lord.


“So yes, I did meet Pope Francis. And yes, I did witness something truly miraculous.”

Did Mrs Zschech witness lying signs and wonders and “feel a peace about” this false “miraculous” unity?

Zschech: “I did meet Pope Francis. And yes, I did witness something truly miraculous.”

She also states,

“Change is happening all over the planet.”

Change is happening all over the planet. But this change is not Christianity. Roman Catholicism is a politically correct pagan religion that presents a false Jesus that will not save someone from their sin.


Now Darlene Zschech starts to take off her sheepskin. We hope Darlene really reconsiders what she says here.

“There is a hunger for the truth of being a Christ follower.”

Darlene, it’s a shame people can’t see the truth in you anymore. How can you claim to be a Christian when you exchange the truth of God for a lie? The people you are mingling with love having a form of godliness but deny God’s power. They love the appearance but hate the truth. And because they hate the truth, they invited you.

“and so Christ followers need to be found EVERYWHERE..”

So the Pope’s not Catholic? You’re calling him a Christian Darlene? And you call yourself a Christian pastor and worship leader? What are you worshiping? How did you become a pastor again? How exactly are you proving you’re a Christian who submits to the lordship of Christ by ignoring what God has written?


“that we will be a witness BY OUR LOVE.”

Darlene has demonstrated again and again that she abhors Christ, His Church and His Word. She also despised Christians by refusing to listen to what they have to say. She is more adamant in elevating the second commandment above the first, thus proving she is an idolater.

The Christian love is a fruit of the GOSPEL that Christ commanded we preach to all nations. But Darlene, you wouldn’t know what love is because the truth of God is not in you. If the truth is in you, why are you pushing a false love through the false Roman Catholic ecumenical doctrine and not contending for the Christian faith?


“C’mon church. Isaiah 60 says to ARISE SHINE Thy light has come that even as the earth grows darker,”

C’mon church. 1Corinthians 5 says to “expel/purge the wicked person from among us” unless they repent. Darlene is deliberately hiding the light of Christ and His Word under a bushel by compromising His message and whoring after Rome.

“Christ’s light in us shines brighter.”

Where has truth and light been evident in Darlene’s words and behaviour? Her authority is her feelings, her words are maligning Christians and her beliefs are elevating man and paganism above Christ and His Word. She has ignored the warning of God:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20

Jesus diagnoses this issue that Darlene has by saying “If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matthew 6:23.) We are called to have nothing to do with darkness but expose them (Ephesians 5:11).

Darlene is hiding the gospel of Christ under a bushel and is calling the darkness, light. The truth of God illuminates, the lie darkens.

“No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.” Luke 11:33-36 (Emphasis added.)


Darlene said,

“Let’s not be dulled down by a lack of understanding,”

Darlene is suggesting that Christians who spoke against are “dulled down by a lack of understanding?” We’ve pointed out the fact that Darlene does not understand who Jesus is nor understands the dangers of Roman Catholicism.

“[…] or a judgmental attitude.”

But it is Darlene that has had a judgmental attitude against Christians who Protestantly protested her worshiping for the Pope.

She also said,

“I had to continually remind myself that I was there to announce and declare the Kingdom of God,”

What does this mean? What was causing Darlene to forget? What gospel was she presenting? She hasn’t told us anything in depth in regards to how she shared the gospel to anyone. This vague statement offers no insight.

“[…] and not to fault find […]”

Once again – the people she did “fault find” were Christians – not Roman Catholics or the Pope.

“[…] but to be aware and awake to something very precious.”

What does that mean? False teachers always play word games and hide behind meaningless, mystical language – what was ‘precious’?

“And so on we go, hearts and hands ready for all God is calling us into.”

Another meaningless mystical statement that you’d expect a New Age guru to say.

Darlene Zschech ends with this

“Love you all so much xx Darls”

Who is Darlene kidding? She loves everyone except Bible believing Christians.


People may think we are harsh with Darlene. However, it is people like her that DEMAND she be followed. She now prides herself as a pastor of Hope Unlimited Church (what hope does she offer?), which means she expects people to SUBMIT to her UNBIBLICAL authority.

Sadly, Darlene is another fraud who likes the benefits of Christianity but does not like the hard responsibility nor the accountability that comes with the office. As soon as she steps out of line, just like other false teachers, they downplay their responsibilities, condemn Christians and insist that we march to the beat of their visions and drums.

In this case, Darlene is playing the harlot for Pagan Rome and telling Christians that Jesus endorses her sins of compromise, peddling Roman Catholic mysticism and ecumenism in the process.

Darlene Zschech writes,


Hey, lovely people.

I am writing this mid-air on my way home from Singapore after an amazing time away speaking, leading worship, writing songs, being with dear friends. It has been wonderful. And, to see what the Holy Spirit is doing around the earth is completely breathtaking. Even in all the expressions that make us different as God’s colourful church, its incredible to me that when the Holy Spirit draws near, His role in our experience of following Jesus makes us so very similar. I relate it being a part of a family.. different characteristics, faces, tastes and giftings.. yet a DNA running through our veins that draw us together.

One of the highlights was finding myself with Mark in Rome. A few months ago a very interesting email turned up in my office inviting me to sing at a beautiful event called the ‘Catholic charismatic renewal’ at St Peters Square, to actually lead songs of worship with others as the Pope called people to prayer and unity.

Most invites I receive, I am unable to say yes to, but when Mark and I feel a peace about it, I go forward very prayerfully and with great expectation for all God will do.

This invite to Rome was about many different denominations coming together to pray for the world we live in. To worship together, to announce the Hope of Jesus to all who will hear. Mark and I felt it was important to say yes this time.

So, I must say I was completely taken by surprise at the harsh and downright mean comments from Christians who criticised my involvement in the event without any understanding, without any knowledge of why or how I got to be there. Or why I even felt it was important to be present.

I was not there to judge, I was not there to become a Catholic, I was not there to sightsee. But I WAS there to lift up the name of Jesus.. without any hesitation or compromise.. for as I have learned over many years, that once Jesus is the centre.. anything can happen.

A message was preached about the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst, and about the great grace of God which we are all dependent. Pope Francis asked the crowd to declare loudly,’Jesus is Lord’ three times and each time it grew in confidence and intention. Worship was lifted up which had the many thousands of people who attended all singing in free-flowing moments which to be honest, was reminiscent of a time I sang on a John Wimber crusade in New Zealand many years ago.

There is much I could say in this blog. I will say that it is sad when Christians beat up other Christians with words, and somehow think that it ok to do so. I will say that it is sad when we retreat to immature responses rather than being people of diligent prayer for ALL sectors of the church. The truth is that there are parts of every denomination that struggle with historical injustices, and I cannot even fathom some of the abuses and subsequent heartbreak endured due as a result of these actions.

But I also know that the word of God says that if people truly seek after God, they will find Him.

( Jeremiah 29:13Amplified Bible (AMP)

13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

It all comes down to a seeking heart. And a God, who is seeking us, is NOT defined or intimidated by denomination, liturgy, age or preferences… the TRUTH of our hearts toward Him is what He is after. Not controlled or manufactured, outside in expressions of lives trying to present a Holy life. Jesus, only Jesus is the answer. He takes us as He finds us. He works with us every day, from the inside out, patient and kind in His love for us and His ultimate work in our lives, leading us daily in our life’s purpose.

So yes, I did meet Pope Francis. And yes, I did witness something truly miraculous.

Change is happening all over the planet. There is a hunger for the truth of being a Christ follower, and so Christ followers need to be found EVERYWHERE.. that we will be a witness BY OUR LOVE.

C’mon church. Isaiah 60 says to ARISE SHINE Thy light has come that even as the earth grows darker, Christ’s light in us shines brighter. Let’s not be dulled down by a lack of understanding, or a judgmental attitude. I had to continually remind myself that I was there to announce and declare the Kingdom of God and not to fault find but to be aware and awake to something very precious. And so on we go, hearts and hands ready for all God is calling us into.

Go into ALL the world….

Source: By Darlene Zschech, Changes, DarleneZschech.com, http://darlenezschech.com/2015/07/changes/, 17/07/2015. (Accessed 26/07/2015.)

Email all comments and questions to c3churchwatch@hotmail.com.

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14 replies

  1. “It is important for Christians to grasp just how dangerous Darlene Zschech has become in light of her allegiance to Rome”

    You guys have an outright allegiance to atheists. You support and promote atheists. Why is it ok for you to have no problem with you associating with Jesus-hating atheists who you refuse to condemn, in fact you embrace them; yet you comprehensively condemn Darlene Zschech to Hell?

    • Our allegience is to Christ NewTaste. The ‘atheists’ who have expressed their voices are perplexed as to why Hillsong contradict the life and teachings of Jesus. Fair call don’t you think?
      Yes they are atheists. But they don’t come across like Jesus-hating atheists when they handle the bible better than people you defend.

      What Jesus does make clear is that false prophets/teachers are not Christians, neither does Jesus know them on judgment day.

      Connect the dots chap.

      If Darlene Zschech is a false teacher, you can surely guess where she is going.

  2. All very odd. If a Mormon suddenly befriended you and came out against Hillsong and handled the Bible better, would you embrace them too, while condemning Darlene?

  3. Reblogged this on Truth2Freedom's Blog.

  4. It’s like this. A false teacher comes along, unites with apostates who have denied the faith, calls it ‘good stuff,’ and ‘lifting up the name of Jesus,’ and leads many sheep astray. THAT is the problem. YES, it IS about God’s TRUTH, which HE has defined in HIS Word, not us, but HIM. When someone steps outside of that, we need to warn both that person and the sheep that are endangered by their words and deeds. This is the Great Apostasy of the end times, leading all the gullible back to the Catholic church, embracing the one world religion where no one cares about truth but it’s just ‘all about you finding God in your own special way’, no doctrine involved because that would be too ‘judgmental,’ leading all to worship the antichrist and his new world order and religious unity under the banner of apostasy, or otherwise referred to ‘bringing in the kingdom’ ourselves (as if that could be done), praying for ‘world peace,’ (good luck there!) and all that other 60’s guru new age stuff that hasn’t worked since the garden of eden disaster and won’t until Jesus comes back! We DO need to warn of the wolves. It is loving to warn of such danger. See 2 Thess. 2; 1-12, Rev. 13, Jude, and 2 Tim. 4. To all the critics; we must speak out against all heresy in words and deeds. There is a very subtle scheme underway where all roads ‘lead to Rome.’ If you don’t believe it now, just keep your eyes open to this for a little while longer and the big picture will all come together. Read your bible and pray. Jesus said; “Do not be deceived!”

  5. Timely article:

    Is Roman Catholicism and Christianity the same thing?
    by Matt Slick

    No, Roman Catholicism and Christianity are not the same thing. Christianity is properly defined by certain doctrines that are revealed in the Bible. It is not defined by simply saying that as long as you believe in Jesus, you’re a Christian. Mormons believe in Jesus, but their Jesus is a brother of the devil in the pre-existence. The Jesus of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is Michael the Archangel. So, just saying you believe in Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian. This is why the Bible tells us who Jesus really is–God in flesh, creator of the universe. Likewise, there are essential doctrines; and if any of those essential doctrines are violated, then a church would only appear to be Christian but not really be Christian. What are those doctrines? The Bible tells us. Let’s take a look.

    There is only one God, and you are to serve no other gods (Exodus 20:3; Isaiah 43:10; 44:6, 8).
    Jesus is both God and man (John 1:1, 14; 8:24; Col. 2:9; 1 John 4:1-4).
    Jesus rose from the dead physically (John 2:19-21; 1 Cor. 15:14).
    Salvation is by grace through faith (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9; Gal. 3:1-2; 5:1-4).
    The Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Gal. 1:8-9).
    God is a Trinity (Matt. 28:19; 1 Cor. 12:4-6; 2 Cor. 13:14).
    Jesus was born of the virgin Mary (Matt. 1:25).
    So, someone who is a true Christian will believe these things and not violate them. Roman Catholicism violates two of them (#1 and #4). First of all, by its practice of promoting Mary (and the Saints) to the level of God-like capabilities, they break the commandment to have no other gods before the true and living God. In Roman Catholicism, they say that Mary is the mediatrix (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 969); Mary made atonement for the sins of man (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, page 213); Mary is the subject of preaching and worship (Vatican Council II, p. 420); etc.

    Also, Catholicism violates the Biblical doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone. Paul the apostle, for example, tells us in Romans 4:5, “But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.” But Roman Catholicism denies that and says, ” . . . so that all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observance of the Commandments,” (CCC, par 2068). Also, consider this:

    “If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema” (Council of Trent, Canons on Justification, Canon 9).

    So, even though Roman Catholicism claims to be Christian and that it is the one true church, it violates the essentials of the Christian faith. It goes beyond what is written in God’s Word (1 Cor. 4:6). It denies the sole and true sovereignty of the living God by promoting prayer to and the worship of Mary. Also, it denies justification by faith alone in Christ alone. It is not a Christian church.

  6. Man – you guys are the ones who need to be watched – preaching division, hatred and the tradition of men rather than the only TRUTH which is Jesus. You quote scripture but with no understanding of what it says.

    Darlene and Hillsong may have many faults but this article is ridiculous.

  7. Actually Darlene quit Hillsong many many years ago….

    • We acknowledge this – check the tag. Nevertheless, Hillsong MADE this unbeliever the way she is today and STILL endorses her and allows her to sing at their events.

  8. even Jesus drunk and ate with sinners so how about a son of man how will you make Jesus known if you only want to hang around only believers and criticize the non believers. how will the non believers ever turn to Christ if all you do is judge them. i dnt think that how Christ is and as Christians we are supposed to reflect him every where we go through love and acceptance that the only way people will turn to Christ. i hope like you speak of Darlene seeking the holy spirit, you do so too to show you the way as well. reading your article only brought indifference to me as a a newly catholic convert to Christianity. one more note Christ came for the imperfect not for the self righteous Christians like you who dnt like to mix with non believer

  9. Here’s the major problem with Darlene’s blog post (which thanks for posting). She talks of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but she doesn’t mention Christ crucified for sinners (1 Cor 1:23) ~~ without Christ as Savior, we have no Holy Spirit indwelling us.

    It is “the unity of the Spirit” not “a spirit of unity” that binds together the members of the Church, the Body of Christ. (Eph 4:1-6)

    Thanks for this & other articles, for keeping an eye over the grazing sheep. God Bless, ~Brenda

  10. We are all born into a sinful world and since the dawn of time it was all foretold. Its a war out there and Satan doesn’t care, its hell on earth no there’s no time to spare. But if you’ve sold your mind to the devil (remembering that you cannot sell your soul it belongs to God) sure you may get along in this life.
    But come the time to stand before the Throne of God you best be prepared for some strife.

    All glory to God on high. The living covenant God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Father of the saviour of the world Jesus Christ, the one who walked among us in the flesh and who was condemned and suffered on the cross for all our sins. I was born into the Roman Catholic Faith and I can tell you first hand that it is false! We are experiencing the second rising of the Roman Empire, but which will fail at the hand of Jesus Christ. Stand firm Christian followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself.

    Thanks for the post. Love and regards from,

    Mighty Men Western Cape South Africa.

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