The umazing wisdumb of Amanda Wells

‘Prophet’ Amanda Wells says she is “a internationally recognised life & business coach.” Recently, ‘Prophet’ Amanda Wells has produced a new DVD and has been advertising it on social media.

Amanda Wells book

What is the DVD about? She advertises the DVD on her FaceBook (her words not ours):

have you seen this and have you got a copy!!!!

‘ I didn’t have any idea how tithes were wrapped up in Gods numerical system, not doctrine and why hasn’t anyone shown me this before and now I have had such a change in my finances, it broke poverty over me and revelation is pouring out! Tom QLD

‘I now am seeing numbers and God is speaking to me, even in dreams and He showed me a whole strategy for a new business in numbers….. WOW’ Ruth QLD

Source: Amanda Wells, FaceBook,, Published 20/08/2015. (Accessed 25/08/2015.)

If you follow the link to her website, Amanda Wells says (her words not ours):

Do you see numbers everywhere? Clock times, number plates and in your dreams and you have wondered, ‘what do they mean?’

Have you ever wondered why we have 7 wonders of the world?

Why there were 7 Dwarfs?

Why is it 24/7

Well there is a reason for all and in this teaching Amanda unlocks the mysteries of numbers and Ancient Jewish Wisdom. You will find the secret to Time Management, what the year of Jubilee really means, why number 6, and what numbers coincide with world events.

This is one of the most exciting courses I have done, full of content and I know you will love it!

Video 1 What is the difference between Greek thinking and Hebrew Wisdom. What effect does this have on our culture? What is the difference between 24/7 and 25/8

Video 2. How do the numbers in the Bible show us the times and seasons. Which numbers show up at certain times in history. What does the Year of Jubilee mean. Do wars have a cycle if so what number is the cycle? Do financial crisis’s of Nations also come in cycles which number does the cycle fall on??

Video 3. Breaking down Hebrew letters and Numbers and working through the Hebrew Alphabet and learning what each number means and how the mystery of the number is connected to other numbers

Video 4. We continue to look at numbers from 10 to 100

Video 5. We look at 100 up
And a Complimentary MP3 … The Bible and History and Numbers

MP3 on the number meanings in Tithes and First Fruit

Biblical Numbers & Ancient Hebrew Wisdom is no longer available

Source: Amanda Wells, Biblical Numbers & Ancient Hebrew Wisdom, Amanda Wells Ministries,, Accessed 25/08/2015.

Categories: Glory City Church

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1 reply

  1. It’s an absolutely amazing discovery ‘Amanda’ – I always wondered why there were seven dwarfs, and now the secrets revealed on your ministry discs, have solved the ultimate mystery I have been pondering on for more than 30 years of Christian living…

    By the way ‘Amanda’, do you know the true identity of Snow White too? I mean, she doesn’t have a proper name/surname, so now that you’ve “cracked the big one”, surely you can add to my large picture of God, life and the Universe in general, by revealing her name too???

    If you really want to listen to this guff on a regular basis, as spoken by Australia’s only recognised “Prophetic
    Council” then go here:

    and here, for the latest long (winded) list of their ‘prophetic words’:

    and then, when you’ve finished laughing (or crying – or both,) come back and tell us all what you think – I dare you…


    PS: I noticed a rather large turnover of people on the GG website’s “ministry team” too. It looks like ‘Amanda’s’ prophecy from a year or two back about ‘divine order in the house’ (meaning a change of people, as God released “more apostles and prophets” into the congregation) has come true. So true in fact, that ‘Amanda’ seems to have prophesied herself into a permanent position as a female pastrix on the ‘team’…

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