New Creation Church insider speaks out

Insiders of Joseph Prince’s prosperity cult, New Creation Church, are speaking out.


Prosperity heretics preach the prosperity gospel that teach Jesus is rich; that He died to make people rich; that you must tithe in order to be “blessed to be a blessing”.

In this article, an insider gives us insight to what it requires for someone to be in New Creation Church Leadersip and shares how Joseph Prince has constructed an idolatrous Jesus to make merchandise of people.

07CWCPortrait_Joseph Prince

Ex-Charismatics writes,


I was a former Muslim and became a Christian in 2003 at another church. My wife and I started attending New Creation Church (NCC) in 2005.

When I first attended NCC, I felt welcomed and not judged. It was an overall positive experience with good messages. My first impression of Joseph Prince (JP) was an honest guy speaking his mind. The depth of the messages, initially I thought they were good. JP used loads of Bible references as compared to the previous church. He also uses a lot of the Hebrew roots study method. I liked that cerebral stuff. But I soon realised much of this material is available online.

I served in the pastoral care ministry for about 1 year prior to having kids. Part of the interview process was asking whether I had been tithing for the past 6 months. A friend mine wanted to serve as well and was asked this same question. I thought it odd, but since i was tithing then, it wasn’t a problem. But this is a consistent fact for church members who want to serve in any ministries within NCC. I was serving in a tiny role as an usher in the Wedding Preparations Seminar. Very far away from the inner circle.

If someone tried to correct me about NCC or JP back then, I would of course, be defensive and spouted every letter of JP’s teachings. I too studied the Bible, but at that time it was through the lens of JP.

I only knew JP as Senior Pastor of NCC. No personal experience with him one to one. His persona on the pulpit has always been charismatic, on many occasions self-centred and ego-centric, prideful over his achievements of building a church so big. He has a tendency to challenge other pastors or teachers of the Word indirectly by not mentioning names. Here are some common challenges he would typically say:

“If you’re teaching the Word correctly, how come your church does not have many testimonies of healing?”

“If you’re teaching the Word correctly, how come your church size is shrinking?”

He goes to say that NCC has many emails coming in every week about healing testimonials, and that the church is growing so fast and large etc.

Only recently this year in 2015, our family stopped going to NCC because we woke up from the spell. I was also concerned for my kids, what they were teaching at the Children’s Church.

Everything taught in NCC was about Jesus. Everything is about Grace. Everything is give thanks to Jesus. How about give thanks to God the Father? I’m not reducing the significance and importance of Jesus. But Jesus was sent to us to know the Father. JP has created a barrier to the Father by creating this false “Genie Jesus” as I call it. Sure they did teach about Joseph, Daniel and all the other Bible heroes but it always ended up being Genie-Jesus-centric. JP creates this image of Jesus that suits his personal agenda, which is to sell more books, DVDs, etc. and to convince people to tithe to NCC. As you know the famous message of “Your Tithe Testifies He’s Alive!” – that message was, if I remember correctly, delivered by Pastor Lian.

Our Christian walk should point to YHVH. Through seeing Jesus in the Bible, we see the Father’s heart. But Jesus should not be used like a magic genie and grant you 3 wishes sort of thing.

I was OK with such teachings at first until somewhere after 2012 or so, I started reading and learning from other pastors and teachers.

At NCC, we took sin lightly. Sin as explained by NCC is “Hamartia” = Missing the mark. Problem was they did not dwell on the moral consequences. The fundamental pillars of moral values found in the 10 commandments are not taught. This is another problem with NCC. The total eradication of God’s Holy Laws.

We also ended up becoming materialistic, to which I’ve honestly asked myself, is that really God’s desire for me and my family?

Besides the cult worship status of JP and his ability to sway tens of thousands to “tithe” to the church, miracle seed sundays, etc, the fundamental problem was exalting the Genie Jesus instead of Abba Father God/YHVH.

When the church management made the announcement that JP and his family may move to the US to “plant a church”, that’s when I started digging and found out that the Joseph Prince Ministries is a registered company in the US. This must be odd and somebody is moving money around…just my thoughts here (see / check out the Financials tab in the link too).

I was surprised to find out many ex-NCC people who questioned JP’s teachings. So they just started looking elsewhere. I met many senior members outside of church attending other bible study seminars. At last year’s lecture series by Pastor Stephen Armstrong from Verse by Verse Ministry at YMCA, I was pleasantly surprised to see many familiar faces.

Since we were not part of any cell group for a long time, we just stopped going to NCC. We now attend a small, simple church where the first thing we did was sit through the Sunday school for the kids to check their teachings.

We thank God for pulling us out and showing us His truth from His Word.

Sam*, former NCC member
(*Name has been changed to protect his identity)

Source: Ex-Charismatics, FaceBook,, Published 01/12/2015. (Accessed 01/12/2015.)

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9 replies

  1. Reblogged this on Truth2Freedom's Blog.

  2. Who lies Hu? We realize Joseph Prince lies about our Lord and His Word.

    Cheers, Team ChurchWatch.

  3. Thank you for the honest and heartfelt written explanation. I only attend NCC a few times and sense something seriously odd about the church and JP.

  4. I Know that the bible says that we should test every spirits to prove whether they are from God or not.But our testing should based on God’s words and his divine revelations.

  5. jp is preaching
    Another Jesus
    A Different spirit and
    A Different gospel

    2 Corinthians 11 v 3 – 4


  6. The prosperity in JP’s preaching is what Satan promises “…bow down, worhsip me and all these shall be yours…”. Job prayed..”… Tho He slays me, yet will i trust Him…”

    A true believer may have much, but this world is not his home. He is just passing through.. God be merciful to us…

    Coming to the saving grace offered at Calvary, a sinner makes Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour; not just Saviour. Everyone needs and many want a Saviour. Not all are willing to repent and make Him Lord of their lives. God be merciful to us.

  7. Pastor prince teachings are scriptural and Grace sets free. Sorey that teching didn’t sit well with you but pointed us to Jesus rather than self efforts is much more profitable for our spiritual growth and depending on the finished works of christ

  8. I served at NCC as well as an ambassador for several years. This church cherry picks bible verses and makes them fit into their pro-world agenda. Most of the verses pertain to Jesus speaking about our Inheritance in His Kingdom, NOT here. I too found Verse by Verse Ministries International. Understanding scripture is our only protection from these false teachers and building our treasure in His Kingdom. Pray for JP’s repentance.

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