Now you see it, now you don’t! (Wells’ disappearing apology act.)

To no one’s surprise, Amanda Wells is on the run again. Her “apology” has magically disappeared from her website.

The apology was posted on November 20th 2016:


“Recently my church leadership have approached me in a loving and caring way concerning some accusations that have been made against me. In discussion with them, I can see where I have presented material from other people without giving credit. It thus could be seen as presenting it as my own. For this I am truly sorry.
I will be contacting those whose material I have used, acknowledging my error and asking for forgiveness.
I have also submitted myself to my leadership and will be taking a period of time off to receive ministry and obtain healing from my local church family.
For the wider body of Christ, please accept my apology and please pray for me as I journey through to health and restoration.
In love – Amanda”

This screenshot was take on 4th December 2016:



Her “apology” was up for only 13 days, which is less than 2 weeks!

Here is where Amanda Wells fled to:


She has created a new Facebook Page. Way to avoid the issues of your plagiarism Mandy.

Is this the sign of a penitent sinner? Is this how someone who is sorry for their egregious sins acts? Absolutely NOT!

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (1 John 1:8-10) 

Amanda Wells refuses to acknowledge she has done anything wrong. She refuses to confess her sins and publicly repent of her sins. Instead, she’s covering them up and is hoping that people will forget them. It is clear that the Word of God is not in her. Amanda Wells has taken a close look at her sin and decided she hasn’t sinned at all. How does one take back their sins apart from repentance and forgiveness?

For someone who talks to God a lot you’d think He might have mentioned the above Scripture passage to her. It looks like whoever Amanda is talking to isn’t God.


Source: Amanda Wells, Wells Ministries,, (Accessed 04/12/2016)

Categories: Australian Prophetic Council, Mysti-Chicks Uprising (MCU), New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

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4 replies

  1. Looks like the very recent message from her sister made her nervous…. would an innocent person feel the need to close the original account and open a new Facebook account?

    The original one that the expose` website used cannot be accessed now.

    Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no-one pursueth: but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

  2. How long do you expect her to have the public apology up?
    2weeks wasn’t long enough? Does it have to be two months? 6 months? 2 years?

  3. Goodness me – wasn’t that predicable! Yet another apologist and and enabler for yet another scoundrel in the church. Is it any wonder that the church is fertile ground for these fakes. We have seen it over and over again …… fallen preachers saying “Whoops, I made a mistake” (Don’t you just hate when that happens!) and then going on their merry way as if nothing happened. The apology was half-baked at best, John, or did you not read it? I’m wondering how you found it as it was clearly, according to this article, buried in such an obscure place! Incidentally why wasn’t it posted in a place where people might have seen it more easily? Many like myself would not even have known about it had this site not alerted us to it (thanks again churchwatch – always right on the ball!)
    “Recently my church leadership have approached me in a loving and caring way concerning some accusations that have been made against me. In discussion with them, I can see where I have presented material from other people without giving credit. It thus could be seen as presenting it as my own. For this I am truly sorry.
    I will be contacting those whose material I have used, acknowledging my error and asking for forgiveness.
    I have also submitted myself to my leadership and will be taking a period of time off to receive ministry and obtain healing from my local church family.
    For the wider body of Christ, please accept my apology and please pray for me as I journey through to health and restoration.”
    This make it appear as if this woman was not really aware of what she was doing but now sees it since it has been pointed out to her! She was warned last year as far as I can tell and gave another half-baked apology back them mocking her critics by saying she was in “sackcloth and ashes” and calling them names!!!! I think that information is even on this site. So are you going to have people believe that this year’s apology was different to last year’s apology? If so, how do you figure? There is no contrition here …..”It could be seen”…. are you serious? Better yet…. is this woman serious? She must think everyone is stupid………….. And note that she is ALREADY talking of restoration!!!! To what” To the position of leadership? Both she – and you – must be kidding!!! Right? I’ll tell you how long that apology should be out there, John ………… for as long as it takes!!!!!
    For as long as it takes for Amanda Wells to admit sincerely to and understand what she has done and how many commandments she has brazenly breached,and how many people she has hurt…. for as long as it takes for her to turn her behaviour around and to “bear fruit in keeping with repentance” which is the TRUE sign of repentance. And to admit to the body of Christ that she will NEVER return again into a leadership position humbly submitting herself to the realisation that she has negated any right she has to be leading others in church matters no matter how many times she apologises.
    This comment by you blew me away, John….. just when I wonder how rogues like Furtick and Driscoll and Houston can get away with heinous behaviour I am reminded of just what naivete we are dealing with when I see a comment like this.
    A long as it takes John!

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