Open Email From Follower

A Follower of weedingoutwells emailed them the following,

Dear HeresyHunter99/The Gardener,

I’ve been following weedingoutwells for some time now and have been quite intrigued by Amanda Wells, this self proclaimed “pastor,” “prophet” and “business coach” stealing from others to make a name for herself. 

I took it upon myself to do some investigative work to help your cause of exposing this fraud so I hope this bit of information I’m about to share helps. Feel free to post this email if you’d like but please remove my name and email address before doing so. 

If you look at Wells’ ministry website you’ll read the following: “Amanda has 5 books published through Destiny Image Publishing House.”


This sentenced sparked a hunt as I wanted to know why she was so incredibly vague on what the names of these 5 books are. I called Destiny Image Publishing House’s phone number [1 (800) 772-6774] just a few moments ago and asked if they had published any books by Amanda Wells. The lady on the other end said, “no.” 

(Their phone number is public on their website:

This means that either Amanda Wells (Pastor, Prophet of God, Business Coach) is lying, or Destiny Image Publishing House (Created by a Prophet to publish the Prophets) is lying. 

I simply googled Amanda Wells’ name into google with Evangelista Media and you can see two of her books are for sale through Evangelista Media (formerly known as Destiny Image Euro)

EM Amanda Wells 2 books.png

These two books are:

“In My Father’s House,” and “Can A Nation Be Changed In A Day?”

Two other books by Amanda Wells came up in my searching as well, and both are sold on Amazon:

“Package Your Brilliance Factor,” and “There Shall Be No Poor Among You.” 

Oddly enough, both of these books were published through “Createspace,” which is a self publishing service and NOT Destiny Image Publishing House.

Package Brilliance Factor info.png

There Shall Be No Poor Among You Info.png

I’m not sure what “5 books” Amanda Wells published since she’s only “written” 4 as far as I can tell, and NONE of them are Published through Destiny Image Publishing House. I think it’s safe to say she’s lying and I encourage you to look through the links I’ve provided and take screenshots just in case anything is pulled down. 

The only other “books” I see are on her Wells Ministries page, and they’re all workbooks, which isn’t the same. I couldn’t find those workbooks sold through Amazon or eBay, but I bet it’s a safe bet that they contain plagiarism as well. They look pricey so good luck obtaining those!

Hope this all helped. God Bless!

Source: weedingoutwells, The Follower, Published 19/01/2017, Accessed 19/01/2017

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Categories: Destiny Image, Mysti-Chicks Uprising (MCU), New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), The Elijah List

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