Bobbie Houston promoting the cultic TPT bible.

There is nothing Christian about Hillsong. They may wear Christianity like a sheepskin to lure people into their movement. They may use the name of ‘Jesus’. But Hillsong’s theology and foundations are not anchored in Christ – they are anchored in the cult of the New Order of the Latter Rain (NOLR).

The origins of Hillsong (Part 1): The New Order of the Latter Rain

The origins of Hillsong (Part 2): Hillsong founder under the “New Order” cult

The origins of Hillsong (Part 3): Frank Houston’s takeover and makeover of NZ AOG

The origins of Hillsong (Part 4): Like dictator, like son

The origins of Hillsong (Part 5): Hillsong founded by John the Baptist?

The origins of Hillsong (Part 6): Latter Rain theology in Hillsong worship

The NOLR cult has developed into what is now known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cult. With its Apostles governing Christ’s end-time church, this apostate movement will be able to truly operate in unity, with the full manifest power of God in order to establish God’s end-times Kingdom reign. The history of Hillsong in the above article series clearly demonstrates that Hillsong is set up in such a way that its ‘Apostles’ are as infallible as Christ’s twelve original true Apostles. (While Jesus’ Apostle Paul saw it noble that the Berean questioned and challenged his teachings, Frank, Brian and Bobbie Houston do not tolerate any Christian opposing their structure.)


The themes in the Instagram post by Bobbie Houston below, highlights the occult and cult-like nature of the NAR. The NAR language is evident when she says, “so much of what we perceived and were experiencing has matured and become refined-Kingdom-reality.” This is NAR KingdomNow heresy – the idea that we can manifest the future Kingdom of God this side of the resurrection. Sadly people fail to realise that the origins of the NAR cult have woven their false theologies from many early first century cults.

The idea one can manifest something from the spiritual world through their mind and experiences into the physical world, is nothing less than the occultism one can find in the spiritist cults (this practice popularized by David Yonggi Cho). Hillsong and the NAR simply baptise these demonic practices in Christian language, by perverting the scriptures.


For 2000 years holy scripture has taught that the world will progress from bad to worse. Some cults do and do not acknowledge this biblical truth. For 2000 years the scriptures have taught that when Christ returns, there will be an apostate church at the end of the age that will be in rebellion against God Himself. When Christ returns, the love of many will grow cold and He will find very little faith on the earth.

However, for 2000 years scripture also points to Jesus as the hope of the world. This is where cults differ. A cult, by default, will not point to Jesus but to themselves. Of course they will give the impression they point to Jesus – but naturally, they will elevate their leaders as Apostles, Prophets, Messiahs or Gods so they can not be questioned and seen as the answer to the world’s problems. Furthermore, they often invent their own literature and doctrine that compete with the holy scriptures.

Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston yet again gives a great example of Hillsong defaulting to this dangerous NAR cult mentality. The church points a “troublesome world” to Jesus. This is not the case according to Bobbie Houston.

This ‘prophet’ claims the troubled world “needs to witness and understand “the Church” in all her glorious fulness [sic].” What’s worse is that she is deceived enough to state she is committing herself to such a task to convince the world that the church is the answer.

This is a movement that was founded by a pedophile and has grown on a foundation of deception. To this day, Hillsong has escaped being held accountable for breaking the law for not reporting Frank Houston’s crimes, covering up by lying to CLC/Hillsong and the AOG denominations, the media and the Royal Commission itself. [Source]

And Hillsong is prepared to hold on to its deception – Bobbie Houston is seen below promoting the NAR bible – ‘The Passion Translation’. She has done this in the past. However, scholars in Hebrew and Greek have condemned this deceptive book as it does not in any way, accurately translate or reflect the original writings or ideas of the original manuscripts – but it does brainwash people into believing the apostolic heresies of the NAR. In fact, ‘Apostle’ Brian Simmons, author of the TPT made the claim he was not skilled in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic languages but relied on God to help him write it.

Bobbie Houston writes,

Supposed to be on holiday … but brought this manuscript with me. Near 20yrs ago I wrote a book called “Heaven is in this House”. Wrote of the Church and what we saw of her beauty and excellence and influence in the earth. It’s long been out of print, but I think it’s time to revisit and revise. 🌾Twenty years on, so much of what we perceived and were experiencing has matured and become refined-Kingdom-reality. 🌾I covet your prayers in opening these pages again. If I rewrite this, it will only be because this troublesome world needs to witness and understand “the Church” in all her glorious fulness. Saying this and posting this because it commits me to the discipline and action of starting this endeavor. With love, Bobs 🌾🍇🕊#heavenisinthishousebook#helpmeLord 🙄#thykingdomcome@hillsong

Source: Bobbie Houston, Instagram,, Published  (Accessed 16/08/2017.)


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