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NEWSFLASH: NARpostle Michael Brown Renames NAR to the “So-Called NAR”

"What New Apostolic Reformation?"

This week, Michael Brown advertised that he would “focus on the so-called NAR” in his program ‘Line of Fire’. However if this is an advertisement for his show, is he not revealing that he won’t be honest on his program about the New Apostolic Reformation due to the fact he calls it the “so-called NAR?”

The “so-called NAR?”

Dr Michael Brown, don’t you realize how offensive this statement is considering all the people that have been destroyed by this movement and have put in countless effort to expose it’s totalitarian, militant-like regime?

You’re essentially insinuating in your advert for your program that abused Christians are liars.

Spoken like a true General of the NAR Michael Brown.

Dr Michael Brown is attempting to play the Bill Johnson ““I’m not completely clear on what [the NAR] is” card. You know. The Bill Johnson maneuver where Johnson attempted to pull the classic Clintonesque “I had no sexual relations with that woman” to ChristianityToday.

Michael Brown writes,

Let the unbiased radio show begin!


Back earlier this year, ChristianityToday talked with Bill Johnson and asked,

“So, what are your thoughts on the New Apostolic Reformation?” and he responds,

Bill Johnson’s response?

“I’m not completely clear on what it is.” [Source]

CT also reported,

“Bill Johnson is regularly listed as an NAR leader. He believes in the apostolic and prophetic ministries, but says the church does not have any official ties to the NAR.[Source]

What we’ve noticed is the New Apostolic Reformation cult is being more recognised by Christianity and it’s leading Apostles are trying to distance themselves from it. And in doing so, they’d prefer to been seen as liars rather than be associated with their New Apostolic Reformation movement.

These articles exposed that Bill Johnson was prepared to be brazenly deceitful about his involvement with the New Apostolic Reformation:

Yes, Bethel and Bill Johnson are part of the New Apostolic Reformation
Bill Johnson blatantly lies to ChristianityToday
Bill Johnson Lies to Christianity Today Magazine?



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