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Hillsong’s Apostolic ties to Wagner and the NAR

False Apostle Dr David Cartledge has done a good job in exposing the history of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cult invading Australia. In his book The Apostolic Revolution, Cartledge links Roman Catholicism, the Apostolic Church, the Latter Rain cult, the birthing of the Charismatic Movement to the birthing of the Australian Christian Churches.

It is important to know that at the time the Assemblies of God birthed Australian Christian Churches (ACC), Brian Houston was the president of the AOG. And it is important to understand that Brian Houston is not only an Apostle of the NAR in Australia at this time, the entire AOG by this time was of the New Apostolic Reformation, which is why Peter Wagner was a guest at the making of the ACC and acknowledged how the AOG “transitioned into an apostolic fellowship as the Assemblies of God in Australia.” This means, under Brian Houston’s Apostolic authority as AOG President, he was UNITING Australian “churches” under his Apostolic authority under Wagner’s watch. No wonder Wagner was thrilled to write the foreword of Cartledge’s book and praising the rise of the NAR cult under Brian Houston’s Apostolic governance.

NOTE: “Pastor Brian Houston, Senior Pastor in Hillsong Church and National President of the Assemblies of God in Australia said in his tribute that David Cartledge was “one of the greats”. Houston described him as a passionate man who gave 100 per cent and lived passing his faith onto the next generation.” [Archived]

Cartledge writes,


One of the most far-reaching initiatives to emerge from the apostolic leadership of the Assemblies of God has been the formation of the Australian Christian Churches in February 2000. Brian Houston and the National Executive led their pastors and churches to form an umbrella group to unify the activities and image of the Pentecostal churches in Australia. Each affiliating movement has retained its own identity and organisational structure, but has adopted the same logo, and cooperates in welfare, missions, church planting and conferences.

Dr Peter Wagner was a guest at the launch event, and declared that this unity was unprecedented. He said that there was no other denomination in the world that had transitioned into an apostolic fellowship as the Assemblies of God in Australia had. The unity between the various Pentecostal groups demonstrated in the formation of the Australian Christian Churches has not occurred anywhere else. This structured unity between Pentecostal denominations is unique. It is an extension of the unity that has been growing among Pentecostal churches in the nation for the past twenty years.

A noteworthy feature of this unity is that the formation of the Australian Christian churches came about in the signing of a decree at the Marriott Hotel at Surfers Paradise in August 1999 by the Assemblies of God and the Apostolic Church. It was an historic moment, made even more significant, because a previous attempt by the Apostolic Church to Unite with the Assemblies of God more than fifty years before had failed. The Apostolic Executive wrote to the Assemblies of God Executive in February 1942 requesting a ‘unity move‘. A year later the Assemblies God [sic] Executive noted that the letter had been received but was never replied to, and they decided to ignore it.

At the 1997 Assemblies of God national conference in Adelaide, I had publicly brought a prophetic word that another Pentecostal movement would seek to unify with the Assemblies of God. Immediately after that prophecy one of the Apostolic pastors present rushed up to me and said, “We will be that movement“. He had no authority to say this but felt the same prophetic impulse as I had. Pastor Joseph Bowed, the Apostolic Superintendent was not present in that conference session, but arrived later in the day. When it was reported to him what had been prophesied, he also said to me. [sic] “I believe that will be the Apostolic Church” [sic]

The Australian Christian Churches initiative has been a proactive and deliberate attempt to bring about the unity of the Spirit. It has sought to take the unity created through the Australian Pentecostal Ministers Fellowship to the next level and provide a means for it to become productive. God’s blessing has been evident on the unity of the Pentecostal churches in Australia since 1978.

This gives strong hope that divine blessing will be multiplied in Australia through this extension of the unity of the Church. The Bethesda Movement, the Abundant Life group and a number of large independent churches have already affiliated with the Australian Christian Churches as well with a number of other movements indicating their desire to do so in the near future.”

Source: David Cartledge, The Apostolic Revolution: The restoration of Apostles and Prophets in the Assemblies of God Australia, Published June 2000/August 2000, (Publisher: Paraclete Institute, AUS). Pg. 162-4.

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