‘Manda On The Run: Wells attempts to cover-up her theft

We were notified by Weeding Out Wells (WOW) of Amanda Well’s ongoing plagiarism. In their article, ‘Oral Plagiarism – Exhibit 07: Wells teaches us how to deal with conflicts? (from Shahida Arabi)‘, they linked to Amanda Wells facebook video of her plagiarizing Arabi’s work.


Steve Shultz – Head of the Elijah List. Notified about Amanda Well’s lies, theft and plagiarism. Does nothing.

Now anyone can judge whether a prophet is either true or false by looking at their fruit. John the Baptist accused the false prophets/teachers of his days (Pharisees) that they need to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. In other words they were showing no fruit because they were showing no repentance. Amanda Wells clearly is no different to the false prophets that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ condemned.

Because even after being called out last year for her plagiarism, she is still plagiarizing.
And even when we exposed her AGAIN, rather than repent, she runs and hides.

So it was no surprise to us that the Amanda Wells pulled her video from this article.

We managed to get the video of Amanda Wells plagiarizing Shahida Arabi’s work before it was pulled.

Below Aribi’s video is a link to the WOW article where you can read along with Well’s oral plagiarism below the video.

[Click to Download video]

Click here to read along with Amanda Wells!

Categories: Australian Prophetic Council, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

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