‘Knock’Em Down Brown’ – disparaging Christians while defending wolves & hirelings.

When confronting abusive leaders in the church, it’s not uncommon to hear these same abusive leaders engage in rhetorical devices to challenge or belittle those who question them. We’ve personally heard them throw out questions such as, “Who appointed you?” Or challenge those individuals who dare question the abusers about how ‘fruitful’ they are.

So you can imagine our shock to see Dr. Michael Brown (aka Knock’Em Down Brown) ask nearly identical questions some of the worst abusers in the modern day church engage in. As a result, since appearing on the American Gospel Roundtable discussion, many Christians are rightly beginning to call out Dr. Michael Brown for his own hypocrisy.

On a recent Twitter (X) post, Dr. Brown asks:

Some honest questions for those whose primary “ministry” is critiquing others:

1) Who appointed you? Was it simply that you felt called by God, or do you have the support and backing of your local church leadership and/or denomination leadership?

2) What’s your own ministry experience? How long have you pastored or served on the mission field or engaged in itinerant ministry or taught in a ministry school or seminary?

3) Are you bearing more fruit than those you are critiquing, or is your primary “fruit” the critiques you bring?

If you are critiquing the soul-winning ministry of someone else or their healing ministry, etc., are you winning the lost and setting the captives free more effectively?

Source: Dr. Michael Brown, Twitter (X), https://twitter.com/DrMichaelLBrown/status/1775544245719372039, Posted April 04, 2024. (Accessed April 05, 2024.)

No. These are not ‘honest questions’ coming from Dr. Brown. He is asking these questions to shut you down – in order to shut you up.

Dr. Brown- disparaging discerning believers?

Returning back to his Facebook platform, Dr. Brown still insists in using his ‘terms’ to disparage believers in the church – ‘hyper-critic’ (a term he contrived from the word ‘hypercritical’). Other NAR Apostles, Prophets and leaders have also been using the same term to shame Christians for ‘quenching’ the gift of discernment:

“Why is it OK to refer negatively to “hyper-charismatics” but not OK to refer negatively to “hyper-critics”? Who sets the rules?”

Source: Dr Michael Brown, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ASKDrBrown/posts/pfbid02bHHe9RBjsbTAUZALerBX3SbsBjbMciU3SxvmXqMN3AYPkVvmvDvtBbhZhihxwC2fl, Posted April 09 2024. (Accessed April 09, 2024.)

“Who set the rules?” Dr. Brown did – using his own ‘terminology’ in order to silence Christians who practice biblical discernment and critical thought. Doesn’t the bible rebuke men who refuse to “test all things,” reject holding “to what is good” and “abstain from every form of evil”?

“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

Dr. Brown further states (his formatting, not ours):

“Again, for those who don’t know me well, just a quick note to explain some recent posts re: hyper-critics: 1) I am personally energized and blessed by attacks coming against me; I even have staff members who send me the latest attacks just to encourage me. It’s a sign that we’re on target! 2) Where someone has a valid criticism of me, I embrace it and appreciate it. We are all works in progress! 3) My post re: John MacArthur and prosperity was to illustrate that there IS a biblical message of God’s generosity based on Scripture — something that hyper-critics often toss out — but that is very different than the destructive carnal prosperity message which I have denounced for decades. 4) Generally speaking, when correcting sin within my own camp (my main focus, writing several books on the subject), I speak of issues more than naming names, for several biblical and practical reasons, just as, when confronting the hyper-critics, I speak of issues more than names. I’ll explain the reason for that in further detail on the air this week, God willing. 5) My reason for confronting the hyper-critics more in recent days is because of the tremendous damage they’re doing to the Body, something that grieves the heart of God, and as they have amped up their attacks, I felt led to respond. 6) I’m truly sorry that some of you were concerned about defensiveness in my tone, but that’s one of the limitations of social media posts: you don’t get to hear my heart. The reality is that I’m enjoying the favor of the Lord in very profound ways, enjoying life with my bride, and enjoying ministry. Would that all of you could know this same sense of divine favor!”

Source: Dr Michael Brown, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ASKDrBrown/posts/pfbid0KMvA15oRwRz7Vo2w8CCds295Lnua4SqRLntq6M1kiGV981ZARjsfyTcE5Y7wdgL4l, Posted April 07 2024. (Accessed April 07, 2024.)

Also from Dr. Brown:

“From the heart, with joy & love & sincerity, I bless those who speak falsely against me and pray for God’s best in their lives.”

Source: Dr Michael Brown, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ASKDrBrown/posts/pfbid02AzFyCbbW3dtvVTrM4m4nnma5YAyXhvXGhaWwTCtXyX9zcoxtZTk7h1vYWxpwb9swl, Posted April 09 2024. (Accessed April 09, 2024.)

And this also from Dr. Brown:

“For those who don’t know me, my goal is always to stimulate healthy discussion and help us grow in the Lord together. When it comes to controversies with critics, when possible, I reach out to them privately for dialogue or invite them to public debate or to join me on my show for interaction. But my goal in responding to controversial issues is NOT to satisfy, appease, or convince critics. Hardly. Instead, it is to speak the truth in love and in the fear of the Lord, to His glory and for the good of His people.

As for responding to critics directly, just as they’re probably unaware of 99.9% of what I’m doing, as I’m not the only person on their radar, so also I’m 99.9% unaware of what they’re saying about me, even when links are sent to me of their latest videos or articles accusing me or trashing me.

May the Lord bless them, fill them to overflowing with His love and kindness, and may He help all of us — the critics, you, and me — to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, to be people of the Word, and to live truly Spirit-filled lives. In Jesus’ name!”

Source: Dr Michael Brown, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ASKDrBrown/posts/pfbid0PY33gQ3n8qBUuHegUHuGz3aBdGCRARiZrTHngDUS6e3oeu99xAURBmp1xWqE9rkkl, Posted April 06 2024. (Accessed April 08, 2024.)

Dr. Brown continues with an almost daily “knee-jerk” reaction on Facebook, to those he deems as “hyper-critics”.

Here is another post by Brown where he again kicks Christian’s who are doing their best to discern and call out false-hoods in the church today (emphasis added):

“In recent days, I have seen an increased attack by critics on the work of the Holy Spirit, including fresh attacks on Brownsville today on social media. As I have been praying, I sense this is further confirmation that we will see the Spirit poured out in great power in the days ahead. The opposition is already mounting to the outpouring when it has hardly even begun! Something powerful is near. Please mark this post — this is not “thus saith the Lord” but simply what I’m sensing — and let’s see how it stands the test of time.”

Source: Dr. Michael Brown, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/100064522336853/posts/818108897016514/?rdid=FKQdNO4CIVveCsqa, Posted April 13, 2024 1:06. (Accessed April14, 2024.)

He then posted this in the comment section (April 14, 2024, 1:50):

“For the record, as an eyewitness to more than 2,000 services, classes, and teaching sessions in the Brownsville Revival and as one who wrote a whole book responding to critics, the criticisms were NOT over doctrinal issues but over the moving of the Spirit. It was Acts 2 all over again: some were praising God; others were saying, “They’re drunk.” But this is what happens with every true move of the Spirit, which is why I always pray for God’s grace on the critics, since they’re treading on dangerous ground when they mock what the Lord is doing. May He not hold it against them!”

And followed up with this one (April 14, 2024, 2:51):

“Again, as an eyewitness to 2,000 Brownsville meetings, the primary “manifestation” we saw night after night was people on their knees repenting of their sins and getting right with God. And the fruit remains to this day. Please don’t believe the misleading reports of those who were not there day and night and from misleading, selective video clips. And remember: every true revival in history has had its mockers and critics.”

To which a very discerning “hyper-critic” responds:


To conclude, let’s look at the following quote from Michael Brown again:

It was Acts 2 all over again: some were praising God; others were saying, “They’re drunk.” But this is what happens with every true move of the Spirit, which is why I always pray for God’s grace on the critics, since they’re treading on dangerous ground when they mock what the Lord is doing. May He not hold it against them!”

Thank you Dr. Michael Brown – for proving the following:

  1. Your biblical incompetence in interpreting Acts 2. No one at Brownsville was speaking known languages. Instead, they were all engaging in practices forbidden by God’s Word – babbling like pagans in vain repetitions (Matt 6).
  2. Does the same unbiblical spirit of Brownsville still reside in you? Insinuating as you did in the 1990s that Christians were accusing you of “being drunk,” (which is laughable). Or that there is an “increased attack by critics on the work of the Holy Spirit”. Isn’t it time to stop with your wicked words against discerning believers? Isn’t it time to stop attributing demonic manifestations to the Holy Spirit? ( Note: other Charismatics and Pentecostals were calling this behaviour out at the time as well)
  3. Have you ever engaged in a “true move of the Spirit”?  Were that so, as a truly discerning believer you would never have involved yourself in the so-called “Brownsville Revival”.
  4. Your critics, as you suppose, are not standing on “dangerous ground”. They have never allowed demonic manifestations to remain unchecked in the church, never attributed that which is of Satan to the Holy Spirit. You on the other hand, have shown you are incompetent in discerning false apostles, false prophets, false teachers, lying signs and wonders and demonic activity. It’s you who damns discerning believers as ‘hyper-critics’. It’s you still giving a free pass to not just the wolves but also sexual abusers such as like Bob Jones and Mike Bickle. You have proven this to be the case with your false prophecies and arguments that are designed to cause division – with the false dominion gospel and teachings you refuse to repent of. And you have the audacity claim Christians are on “dangerous ground”?
  5. Your deceptive words have caught you out. You ARE an ‘Apostle in the New Apostolic Reformation’. Acts 2 was about ‘big A’ Apostles establishing the church. Discerning believers were never wrong about you, your own words show that you have indeed misrepresented yourself about your involvement with the NAR for a VERY long time. Repent.


Email all comments and questions to c3churchwatch@hotmail.com

“Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Galatians 4:16

Categories: Line of Fire, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

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