Amanda Wells’ Whinge Binge Part 2 – “Cupcakes,” “muffins” and Elijah List fruitcakes

When we exposed Amanda Wells as being the Culprit in the Pulpit in our international “Guess Who? Elijah List Challenge” game, Amanda Wells did not handle the situation well.

Instead, just like other frauds, criminals and phonies in the pulpit, Wells appealed to “Mercy” and “Grace”. appealing to the typical mantra’s and distorted bible cliche stories. Just like any convicted criminal going to the electric chair for their crimes claiming innocence, Amanda Wells boringly went out of her way to misuse the Christian ethic to manipulate Christians to believe her cause.

If you want to know how we came to discover Amanda Wells’ plagiarism, this helped:

Its Plagiarised

These are our observations in her below rant:

“I was told I had 24 hours to give an official response.”

It’s funny how Amanda Wells, off the bat, decided to downplay the seriousness of her sins and mock us. That sounds like a bully.

“human race of bullies… I know firsthand what that bullying felt like.”

Of course Amanda Wells knows what bullying feels like – she bullies people regularly. And like a bully, she steals from people. We believe we have been sensitive to the victims of Amanda Wells plagiarism. We even told Amanda that if she refused to repent and deal with her sin that her “fraudulent behaviour must be brought to the attention of the public and those you have hurt, according to God’s word.” [Source]

“we have a friend…”

Notice the deceitful game Amanda Wells is playing. If you’ve seen the movie Shrek 2 with Puss-in-Boots giving the green ogre, glassy-eye treatment, this is exactly what Amanda Wells is doing. However, (and this is odd), she is fallaciously appealing for sympathy by relying on other people’s tragedies. Frankly, that is nothing more than bizarre and psychotic.

Why is Wells appealing to the death of her friend’s son to justify her years of stealing and lying to people? That is simply tasteless and incredibly inappropriate. This behaviour and crass justification confirms that she knows she has no defense for her theft and fraud.

And we hope that her friend can find a better friend then Amanda Wells.

“I have two friends who are undergoing chemo that is ravaging their bodies and yesterday the abuse, intimidation, scare campaign, threats & emails…”

How Wells’ two friends “who are undergoing chemo that is ravaging their bodies” have anything to do with people emailing her is beyond us. Once again Amanda Wells is using someone else’s tragedy to make herself look like a victim. Who does this?

And what “abuse, intimidation, scare campaign, threats & emails” is she talking about? If Amanda Wells wrote that she had these feelings towards us and others is appropriate. But she is not speaking from her feelings but from a matter-of-fact point of view.

If she is talking about us, she should be ashamed of her smear campaign. You decide.

Discussions with Amanda Wells

 “emails to me and other ministers about me was unbelievable”

This is probably the most revealing statement in her entire rant. This confirms that Amanda Wells and “other ministers” from the Elijah List are upset with us exposing Amanda Wells for her fraudulent ministry. It appears that Amanda is aware of people writing in to “other ministers” and those “other ministers” have talked to her about the complaints they received.

Thank you Amanda. You’ve only confirmed to us on the inside that your sins are known all around the world and that Elijah List “ministers” are receiving complaints about you as well.

“I posted something back in April and didn’t put the guys name on it…”

Wells appears to give an example of a disgruntled person, unhappy with her plagiarism. She says that they sent “over 40 messages, texts and emails.” She then asks, “What is that?”

Amanda, when you said you posted someone’s work back in April and “didn’t put the guys name on it” like you’ve JUST ADMITTED TO PLAGIARISM. And you’re upset with people sending you “over 40 messages, texts and emails?”

She then asks, “What is that?”

Well are you guilty of plagiarism or not? If you delete it, you are showing that you are guilty by hiding the fact that you plagiarised. You should be able to keep up all the work you post if it’s not plagiarised… right? So what did you do?

“Hey I deleted it, stuff happens I called a cupcake a muffin!”

Amanda. You may have called a cupcake a muffin but you treated the cupcake like a cupcake and got rid of it. Your actions confirm you know that what you are doing was and is wrong. You’ve publicly admitted to plagiarism and publicly admitted to covering it up when challenged privately by someone else.

Notice how she mentions a single instance of her ‘mistake’. This is a lie. Her plagiarism is relentless as the Weeding Out Wells website has recorded Wells’ plagiarism. And we gave her the link to this website which has already documented around 10 plagiarised pieces. And she gives us one example?

“Let’s stop the nonsense…”

This nonsense can only stop if people like Amanda Wells are physically removed from ministry. Otherwise, the nonsense will continue. All we are doing is pointing out the nonsense. Amanda Wells is the one giving us the ammunition.

“Let’s realise that we can be no better than the religious Pharisees who tried to stone a woman”

When people are found guilty of crime, fraud or other henious acts against human beings, one of their favourite passages to jump to is John 8. This is the story where Jesus and the Pharisees dealt with the sins of an adulterous woman.

The only problem is this: the Pharisees were right and the woman was guilty. Jesus knew the woman was guilty.

As soon as a criminal appeals to this passage, they are admitting they are guilty. They do not want to be severely dealt with by the rest of the church or society for their crimes. In other words, they’re attempting to appeal to their idea of grace and bypass true grace, mercy, love, truth and God’s Law.

What these criminals do instead is turn grace into a license to sin.

“For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” Jude 1:4 (Emphasis added.)

This is also very fitting for Amanda Wells:

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” Titus 1:16

Amanda is using God and his Word to get a ‘get-out-jail’ card from Christians. While Jesus said to the adulterer, “Now go and sin no more” (John 8:11), Amanda Wells is refusing to acknowledge her theft, fraud and lies.

Paul the Apostle asked the question, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” (Romans 6:1.) If we say “no,” then Christians will not put up with the sins of Amanda Wells and expel her from ministry.


The last line of her Wells’ whinge reveals how she has no regard for repentance but instead mocks it. The fact that Amanda Wells claims innocence, mocks repentance and has problems with Christians asking her to take responsibility for her sins is a sure sign that Katherine Ruonala needs to deal with more than just the sins of Amanda Wells. If this philosophy of mocking repentance is in Glory City Church, then Katherine Ruonala and many others in the Elijah List network have a lot to start working on.

Katherine Ruonala silent over prophet Amanda Wells

Their hatred toward Christ and his message of repentance is evil. Christians need to stand against these people and call these false prophets to repentance.

Amanda Wells writes,
Amanda Wells Cupcakes

Categories: Australian Prophetic Council, Glory City Church, The Elijah List

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