More plagiarism in Amanda Wells’ “Package Your Brilliance Factor.”

Weedingoutwells writes,

ARTICLE 3 In this section you will first see three pictures from Amanda Well’s book, followed by Amanda Wells’ “writing” highlighted in RED. Beneath her writing is a screenshot from where the actual writing came from, followed by the original author’s writing also highlighted in RED. This is to help the reader see how much of the original source Amanda Wells stole to create her book. 

Article 3.png


(Amanda Wells, “Package Your Brilliance Factor,” pages 130-132)

Amanda Wells writes:

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Gossiping and snide remarks about you and other people in your circle. Fault finding and criticism, is the name of the game – everything from the way you clean your office, to your dental hygiene, to your size, your friends, how much time you spend on things, everything!!

Your thoughts and opinions are discounted

Over-demanding – nothing you do is good enough

Subtle jabs and put downs – you often don’t realize you’ve been put down until you start feeling bad


Neediness, they want to copy everything about you or want all of your time.

They make fun of your ideas, especially in front of others

Blames you for all their problems, rather than taking responsibility for their own choices

Generally toxic people are filled with fears: afraid that they aren’t good enough, of losing control, of exposing their inner desires and wants. Often they have been victims of toxic relationships themselves.

When people don’t feel good about themselves they view other people’s successes as a poor reflection upon themselves. They resent other people getting ahead.

Your life will be unpleasant when you are around toxic people, and you are the only one who can do anything about it.

Here are a couple of tips on how to improve the quality of your life by neutralising the impact of toxic relationships.

Make a list of the Positive Aspects of the person.

This technique helps you to shift your focus. If all you only focus on are their negative aspects, then they will be like this whenever they are around you.

Get perspective by working with a neutral person, who has no agenda about you, and the relationship you have with the other person, maybe a counsellor, a coach, a neighbor or a coworker.

The key here is, that this isn’t about creating for yourself a pity party, and/or looking to dump on the other person, it is about asking the other person to help you focus on what is going on, the part you have played, and what you are willing to do to move forward.

Take Responsibility.
A part of you
has been or is is allowing the behaviors to happen, and continue to happen. Ask yourself, ‘why am I allowing this to happen? 

Set Boundaries.
Let the other person know what they can and cannot do around you. If you have the skills,
such as those from the Successful Conversations workshop, you will be able to describe quite specifically what the person is doing and what your expectations are for the future. (You can even do this with someone who seemingly is in the more powerful position than you e.g. a boss)

Keep Working on you and improving your mindset and emotional capability.

End the relationship.

Shelley Holmes writes:

Characteristics of a Toxic Relationship

If you allow them, toxic people can be like vampires … draining your energy – mentally, emotionally, financially. When you are with them your mood sours and you struggle to be at your best. To sum it up after you’ve been with a toxic person you feel the need to shower yourself in some positivity.

The Types of Behaviors You Can Expect When a Relationship is Toxic

Gossiping and snide remarks about you and other people in your circle. Fault finding and criticism, is the name of the game – everything from the way you clean your office, to your dental hygiene, to your size, your friends, how much time you spend on things

Your thoughts and opinions are discounted

Over-demanding – nothing you do is good enough

Subtle jabs and put downs – you often don’t realize you’ve been put down until you start feeling bad


Neediness, – it’s all about them – they don’t take any time to talk about you

They make fun of your ideas, especially in front of others

Blames you for all their problems, rather than taking responsibility for their own choices

Complains about their life and dumping their frustrations on you

Whilst the characteristics of a toxic relationship are easy to define, it is useful to understand what is at the core of most toxic relationships … Low Self-Esteem!

Generally toxic people are filled with fears: afraid that they aren’t good enough, of losing control, of exposing their inner desires and wants. Often they have been victims of toxic relationships themselves.

When people don’t feel good about themselves they view other people’s successes as a poor reflection upon themselves. They resent other people getting ahead.

So, when another person is putting ‘pressure’ on them to lift their game (simply by performing at a higher level) the toxic person will search for a way to take the pressure off themselves. More often than not, they take this pressure off by belittling other peoples, dreams, successes, wins and goals.

Your sense of self-worth and your belief in your capability dies if you are around a toxic person for too long – especially if you give your power away to them, by believing what they say. It is imperative that you take steps to ensure you stop the harm of people who are poisonous to you.

Your life will be unpleasant when you are around toxic people, and you are the only one who can do anything about it. Here’s are a couple of tips on how to improve the quality of your life by neutralising the impact of toxic relationships.

1. Make a list of the Positive Aspects of the person. This technique helps you to shift your focus. If all you only focus on are their negative aspects, then they will be like this whenever they are around you.

2. Get perspective by working with a neutral person, who has no agenda about you, and the relationship you have with the other person, maybe a counsellor, a coach, a neighbor or a coworker. The key here is that this isn’t about creating for yourself a pity party, and/or looking to dump on the other person is about asking the other person to help you focus on what is going on, the part you have played and what you are willing to do to move forward.

3. Take Responsibility. A part of you is allowing the behavior to happen and continue to happen. Ask yourself why am I allowing this to happen? What could I be learning from this?

4. Set Boundaries. Let the other person know what they can and cannot do around you. If you have the skills, you will be able to describe quite specifically what the person is doing and what your expectations are for the future. (You can even do this with someone who seemingly is in the more powerful position e.g. a boss)

5. Keep Working on you and improving your mindset and emotional capability. The book Anatomy of Peace is a terrific book, to help you view situations like this, from a very different and freeing perspective.

6. End the relationship. If after trying all of the above and nothing changes, then it is time you walked away from the relationship.

You may be thinking it’s not that easy! I can’t walk away from my job. However, if the relationship really does have all the characteristics of a toxic relationship, and you have accepted responsibility for your part, and exhausted all avenues of moving it into something more healthy, then you need to ask yourself, what do you value most – financial security or mental, emotional and spiritual health?

When you are 76, looking back on life, do you think you will regret trading your soul for $? If so, then have the courage to move on, and faith that something better will come to you.

Your life clock is ticking, only be around people who uplift you, and make your life journey a wondrous one.

Reference: Shelley Holmes, makeadent Leadership, Characteristics of a Toxic Relationship,, Last modified Copyright 2013 (Accessed 19/01/2017.)

Source: weedingoutwells, The Follower, Published 19/01/2017, Accessed 19/01/2017

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