Another Bethel pastor defends the occult practices of Jen Hodge and Christalignment.


Dedmon is a New Ager who considers herself a pastor in Bethel church. Dedmon has this to say about herself:

“I am on pastoral staff at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where I oversee the Creative Arts department for the Church and School of Supernatural Ministry. I instruct on worship expressions and arts events within the church, as well as strategy and coordination for city transformation and outreach.

I also speak at national and international conferences, equipping and activating people in prophetic and healing ministry as I show them how to step into their supernatural and creative destinies.

I have been in pastoral ministry for over 25 years. I earned my B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Biblical studies from Vanguard University, and also have received a certification in Arts and Healing from Chapman University.”

Source: Theresa Dedmon,, Accessed Dec 22 2017.

Theresa Dedmon

In her book, ‘Born to Create: Stepping Into Your Supernatural Destiny’, Dedmon writes how under her leadership, she encouraged Bethel students to engage with newcomers “through destiny cards.”

“During the school year, I have the School of Ministry students sit at Bethel’s welcome table and prophesy to newcomers through destiny cards, singing, and playing instruments over people. People, some for the first time, hear a love song from their Father in Heaven or receive a picture about God’s thoughts for them, which can radically transform their lives. There are so many creative avenues to bless those who are looking to belong at our welcome centers.”

Source: Theresa Dedmon, Born to Create: Stepping Into Your Supernatural Destiny, (Shippensburg: Pennsylvania, Destiny Image, 2012).

After Jen Hodge claiming her destiny cards act like tarot cards, are similar to tarot and act to reveal one’s “past, present, future” like tarot, she now claims they are not tarot cards nor remotely similar to tarot.

Jen Hodge Destiny Cards are Tarot Cards

Bethel pastors like Ben Fitzgerald (Jen Hodge’s son), Kris Vallotton and Theresa Dedmon are now defending Jen Hodge and her deception. As a result, Jen Hodge is showing no evidence of a Christian bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.

Jen Hodge also promoted Theresa Dedmon’s post:

A great article out today from Bethel. Will it stop all the haters and Christians judging and forming opinions based on lies? We don’t know but one thing is for certain – as a team we have no intention of getting smaller, backing down, giving up or not doing what we are doing. In fact, because of all the fake news, we will make the enemy pay. We have strategies, plans and God ideas.
We have been greatly encouraged and feel greatly strengthened by all the amazing support from around the world. We are proud of the cards we use and are even more proud of our mighty team that has the capacity to bring down strongholds !!

Source: KenandJenny Hodge, FaceBook,, Dec 20 2017. (Accessed Dec 20 2017.)

No fear of God. No repentance. No apology. No biblical or factual clarification. Just lies and obsfuscation – this is further proof of occult connections at Bethel.

Below is an article by Theresa Dedmon in defense of Jen Hodge, Christalignment and her occultism. Notice that even Dedmon states they are not tarot cards, she later confesses they are by saying the cards are designed for “those who are searching for a hope and a future.” If they are using them to know their future, how are these not tarot cards?

A Christmas Critique Of “Destiny Cards

There has been some recent concern about the ministry of Christalignment, and their supposed use of tarot cards in ministering to people at New Age festivals.

First, “Destiny Cards” are not tarot cards.  They do, however, have a similar look that attracts people who are searching for a “reading”.  What they get from Christalignment staff is a prophetic word about their destiny, which is to have a personal relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ, and encountered through the Holy Spirit.

Destiny Cards” are simply images that help to communicate the message of the Good News to those who are searching for a hope and a future.

Second, the apostle Paul emphasized that he became all things to all men, so that he could somehow win them to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:22).  Just because Paul used “the altar to the unknown god” to preach from, he certainly was not buying into the Athenians false religious beliefs, nor condoned it in any way (Acts 17:23).

Jesus always spoke in parables that communicated the message in creative ways in which people could relate and receive.

Third, We see many examples in Church history of creatively expressing the message of the Gospel through “worldly”, and even “demonically inspired”, expressions.  John and Charles Wesley changed the lyrics to famous bar tunes, so that the unchurched could worship.  Many of these songs have become part of our sacred Hymnal, even though they were “demonically” inspired songs to lead people into all sorts of immorality.

Constantine instituted the tradition of celebrating Christmas (the Christ Mass) on December, 25 to counteract the Winter Solstice Festival, which was a heathen religious festival to offer sacrifices to the god of Saturn in return for protection, blessing, and hope through the dark and cold winter months.  Christmas has become a sign to the world that Jesus is the light of the world, offering salvation and hope.

Easter was originally a holiday feast that celebrated Ishtar, the goddess of fertility.  Christians have transformed the day into the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, who makes all things new.

Fourth, prophecy is a gift that we are all supposed to use, especially in communicating the Good News.  Prophecy is simply speaking on behalf of God in what He would want to say to them to encourage them or give them hope for salvation.

The apostle Paul was very clear that, “We are Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us (2 Corinthians 5:20)”.

When we speak on behalf of God, we are prophesying, which is why we must be careful to communicate His heart to encourage, edify, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Interestingly, it is not the way in which we creatively communicate to be relevant to our listeners, but the message we relate to them.  Sharing the Gospel to people in their own “language” is essential to winning a people group.

Fifth, the term, “Destiny Cards”, is used in a wide variety by a lot of different people and groups.  My destiny cards are developed from a prophetic picture that I will draw about what I think someone may need to hear from God, so that they will know that God has a good plan and purpose for their lives.  Sometimes, I will also use photos that depict a message that I sense God wants to speak to them through the picture.

Finally, I, and my team, have seen thousands of people come to Christ as we have passed out our Destiny Cards to people in all sorts of environments and events.

For example, one of my team, Melissa, created a destiny card of girl dancing, then, went to the ER, and gave it to a teen who was waiting by herself.  Holding the destiny card, she began to cry, and said that her dream was to be a dancer.

Just then, her mother came out of the examination room, where she had been treated fro a severe case of pancreatitis.  They had been traveling by bus to Washington State, fleeing an abusive husband and father, when they had to deter to the ER.

Since they had missed their bus, they didn’t know where they were going to stay for the night.  Melissa got them a hotel room for that night, prayed for the mom’s pancreatitis, and then picked them up the next day to return them to the bus depot.

Upon picking them up, the mother explained that she felt the presence of God during the prayer, although she could not explain what it was.  She also said that she felt healed, and wanted to go back to the hospital to get re-examined.

After three tests, the doctors confirmed that there were no signs of pancreatitis, even though the previous night she was treated for it in their hospital, of which she had had for 7 years!

The young daughter was so impacted that she asked Melissa and her friend to pray for her.  She got saved, and then she was then filled with the Holy Spirit, and mom, who was a nominal Christian, was filled with joy and hope!

Not only that, when they shared their testimony with family members, they all received Christ, even the husband and father!

Now, that’s Christmas.

That is the power of creativity in prophesying through a destiny card to bring transformation into people’s lives.

My guess is that those who condemned the use of “Destiny Cards” by the Christalignment ministry did not bother to fully investigate their strategy and fruit, or did not consider that Jesus, Paul, and Church Leaders throughout history have used the same types of strategies, and effectively preached the Gospel.

This Holiday season is a great time for prophesying to people who feel lonely, in despair, and hopeless.  They are waiting for someone like you, who know the truth of Christ, and will take some risk in developing an innovative way to reach them in a way that they can hear the message, which is,

Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy, and it is for all of the people (Luke 2:10).

Whether it’s a “Destiny Card”, a prophetic letter, poem, song, mime, or stock photo, I want to encourage you to do something creative this Christmas season to bring the Light of the world into someone’s environment, so that this will be the best Christmas they have ever had because they have encountered Immanuel, God with us.

If this blog has helped you in some way, pass it on to others who could use some enlightenment.

Source: Theresa Dedmon, A Christmas Critique Of “Destiny Cards,,, (Accessed Dec 23 2017.) [Archive]


In your article you say you are “speaking on behalf of God” and ” My destiny cards are developed from a prophetic picture that I will draw about what I think someone may need to hear from God, ….”

As Christians, we don’t speak on His behalf. And we shouldn’t be telling people what you think God wants them to hear. If you were filled with the Holy Spirit, it would share what God wanted to be shared on YOUR behalf, not His. Please pray for discernment from the spirit before leading people. Even the best intentions can travel through poor pathways.

God Bless.


Jesus always spoke in parables that communicated the message in creative ways in which people could relate and receive.”
Scripture says in Luke 8; 10….The Parable of the Sower
…9Then His disciples asked Him what this parable meant. 10 He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘Though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’ 11 Now this is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.…( The mystery of the gospel is for his disciples) Parables are not a creative way for people to understand….Blessing with His love!!



  1. “… the apostle Paul emphasized that he became all things to all men, so that he could somehow win them to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:22). Just because Paul used “the altar to the unknown god” to preach from, he certainly was not buying into the Athenians false religious beliefs, nor condoned it in any way (Acts 17:23).”

Reply: The problem with pulling Paul’s situation and comparing it to yours is totally different. Paul never used implements of pagan worship, divination, fortune telling and things used to communicate with spirits and or the dead to bring people as a way to bring people into the kingdom. Matter of fact scripture commands us NOT to do such things…

Leviticus 19:26
“You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying”.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13
“When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. read more.
“For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you. “You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.”

  1. “We see many examples in Church history of creatively expressing the message of the Gospel through “worldly”, and even “demonically inspired”, expressions. John and Charles Wesley changed the lyrics to famous bar tunes, so that the unchurched could worship.”

Reply: Just because one can do a thing does not mean they should. You are assuming that what the Wesley’s did was right and we don’t see that in scripture with such an ambiguous situation. With that said there is nothing saying a tune cannot be used. Though it can be questionable – if we use secular songs/tunes, it can be seen as trying to look like the world and that is not acceptable.

  1. “Sharing the Gospel to people in their own “language” is essential to winning a people group.”

Reply: Funny how you use the word ‘language’ when in fact it is not. Because what you are saying is that we can take the ways of the world and use them for the good of the kingdom. However God has specifically prohibited believers from doing this. Consider the following…

Deuteronomy 12:29-32
“When the Lord your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, 30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ 31 You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. 32 “Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.”

Jeremiah 10:1-3
“Hear the word which the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel. 2 Thus says the Lord: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are futile…”

  1. “My destiny cards are developed from a prophetic picture that I will draw about what I think someone may need to hear from God, so that they will know that God has a good plan and purpose for their lives. Sometimes, I will also use photos that depict a message that I sense God wants to speak to them through the picture.”

Reply: Scripture states that the heart is deceitfully wicked and thus its untrustworthy ref. Jeremiah 17:9 and Psalms 118:8 says “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” The problem is that instead of preaching the gospel, or speaking scripture to people, you come up with what YOU think is right instead of letting the Holy Spirit use the word of God to minister to them. Scripture states Yeshua (Jesus) is our greatest example and we are to follow His example. So what did He do? He did not use His own words or authority but the words and authority of the Father ref. John 14:10 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.”

  1. “My guess is that those who condemned the use of “Destiny Cards” by the Christalignment ministry did not bother to fully investigate their strategy and fruit, or did not consider that Jesus, Paul, and Church Leaders throughout history have used the same types of strategies, and effectively preached the Gospel.”

“Its apparent that you have not tested your ‘cards’ against scripture which I previously posted. You have forgotten and or choose the ignore what God says in scripture (who is the same yesterday, today and forever). History is filled with false teachers and false prophets who have used similar methods/strategies/ways that God has forbidden His children to do. You the word ‘fruit’ as a way to justify what you are doing but a convert can be a false convert. One that is not based on the truth of God’s word or in the way He directed us to do it in.

However since you are so entrenched and wrapped up in your ‘destiny cards’ I highly doubt you will discontinue them and or repent.

I pray that you study scripture and let that be your guide instead of using the ways of the world and what you think is right (in your own eyes).


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Categories: Bethel "Church"

1 reply

  1. Christalingnment is a ‘New Age’ Cult. They charge dollars for their for ‘destiny card’ readings. They approach vulnerable people, try to help them in some way, only in the hope of gaining more members. Once a new recruit becomes a member of the group, they expect them to work for no pay, so the leaders have a continual source of income to live off.

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