Dr. Michael Brown, fire tunnels and demonic ‘anointing’.

Back in January, 2017 Church Watch Central posted the following ‘open letter’ to Dr. James White about his endorsement of NAR prophet, Apostle and ‘general’, Dr. Michael Brown:

Dear Dr. James White,

Many Christians are aware of your friendship with Dr. Michael Brown. Before delving any further into this open letter please know that this is NOT a criticism of your relationship with him. Rather, this is a plea for you to call out Dr. Michael Brown on his alignment with heretics BECAUSE you are his friend.

For quite some time, Michael Brown has set himself up as a “mediator” of sorts between Christians and heretics. His credentials for doing so aren’t from a Biblical stance, rather, it’s from his personal relationships with these heretics. Therefore, Michael Brown favors and defends heretics such as Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, Brian Houston, Joseph Prince, Rick Joyner and others whenever Christians criticize them for their false teachings and Bible twisting.

Michael Brown’s Spin Control for Bill Johnson

My Meeting With Pastor Joseph Prince

The Naked Cowboy: He’s a Hillsong Pastor?!

Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown

Michael Brown’s friend claimed God will “destroy the homosexual community of America”?

Michael Brown admits his NAR ties to Rick Joyner

Dr. Michael Brown’s willingness to turn a blind eye to heretics is causing division in the Body of Christ rather than unity around the Truth. This is why we’re asking you, Dr. James White, to please publicly rebuke Dr. Michael Brown for his deceptive actions.

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.2 Timothy 4: 1-5

We don’t know if you have already privately confronted Dr. Michael Brown or not, and if you have that is absolutely good news. The problem is that he continues to dig in and refuse to repent – continuing to ignore God’s Word by favoring fantasies and mythologies over the Truth. We hope and pray that your confronting Dr. Michael Brown would cause him to give pause to what he’s been doing and sincerely repent of it. He may listen to you because you are his friend.

CW Team

J. D. Hall from Pulpit & Pen wrote the following article back in December, 2017:

James White’s Mere Christianity Checklist and Shady Litmus Test for Brotherhood.

“James White, whose show is called “The Dividing Line” is increasingly tearing down theological lines of division, the rest of us will be over here not affirming the brotherhood of people actively abusing and hurting the Bride of Jesus.

Michael Brown is the chief apologist, prophet and Apostle of the modern charismatic movement. He has defended and/or partnered with in one capacity or another every single charismatic human stain on Christendom, from Benny Hinn to Joel Osteen, from Mike Bickel to Bill Johnson, from Rick Joyner to Jennifer LeClaire. Michael Brown is a habitual, unrepentant liar, claiming such absurd things as not knowing what “NAR” stands for, calling it the “so-called NAR” or not knowing if it really exists (yet while denying its existence, says it does exist but he has nothing to do with it, even though he declares himself a “general”). As Chris Rosebrough has thoroughly documented, Michael Brown is indeed a proponent of the New Apostolic Reformation and is, in fact, a part of it.

Michael Brown defends “glory clouds.” Michael Brown defends being slain in the spirit. Michael Brown said Benny Hinn is not a false prophet and helped Hinn promote his material on his television program. Michael Brown has defended the grave-sucking necromancy of Bethel Church Redding, while attacking Phil Johsnon and Todd Friel. Brown partners with leg-lengthening fake healer, Todd White. Michael Brown took to the pages of Charisma Mag to defend Hillsong’s sleazy stripper Christmas program, their dancing naked cowboy, and defended Carl Lentz during the gay choir director debacle (James White also defended Lentz at the time, taking Lentz’ word to him that he didn’t know about the gays leading his choir, which was proven false here and James White never retracted his support for Lentz or admit his gullible shame). Michael Brown defended Carl Lentz after his pro-abortion comments this year. Michael Brown is a wicked man who holds to wicked doctrine and he is an enemy of Christ’s Church.

Read more here…

“As a result of his public endorsement of Michael Brown, James White’s reputation has come under serious scrutiny. Looking past White’s superior attitude and almost arrogant dealings with his very concerned brothers and sisters in Christ, the major problem with White is his having any public association with Brown at all, defending a notorious liar.” (Source)

Addressing the current status of his relationship with Dr. Michael Brown, Church Watch Central again asks if Dr. James White would reconsider his endorsement of Brown in light of the following video from ‘Emergent Watch’, a video recorded at Fire International Church, NC on October 17, 2019:

Dr White, in light of this demonic practice, do you still consider Dr. Brown a brother in Christ?

Dr Michael Brown – His Fire Tunnel and Demonic ‘Anointing’

Mark Jeffries writes:

“Dr.” Michael Brown of the popular show “Ask Dr. Brown“, who has repeatedly denying the any involvement in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) [see https://churchwatchcentral.com/2017/03/01/bill-johnson-affirms-michael-brown-is-part-of-the-new-apostolic-reformation/]; and has been a staunch defender of many of its false “apostles”, is exposed in this video – introducing, and participating in a Bethel Redding (NAR) type “Fire Tunnel”. The video was recorded at Fire International (church) in North Carolina on October 17, 2019. Dr. Michael Brown is listed as FI’s Vice President.

The same demonic, Kundalini Kriya twitching manifestations, as have been seen in videos of Fire tunnels at Bethel Redding, and in the EmergentWatch video here: https://youtu.be/i-cXyCCLK3w – are seen in the present video with Michael Brown. Whatever one calls it – NAR, or whatever – the occultic manifestations – the “fruit” if you will, are nearly identical.

Source: Mark Jeffries, ‘Emergent Watch’ blog, https://emergentwatch.wordpress.com/2020/01/05/dr-michael-brown-his-fire-tunnel-and-demonic-anointing/. Premiered January 4, 2020. (Accessed January 5, 2020.)

Related articles on Dr. Michael Brown.

Related articles on Dr. James White

Email all comments and questions to c3churchwatch@hotmail.com

Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Galatians 4:16

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